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NordicTrack E5Vi Elliptical Review

Looking for a great, inexpensive, top of the line elliptical?! With the array of elliptical brands and styles out there it’s no wonder one would get confused on which one to buy!

Well that is why we are here! EllipticalCoupons.com not only wants to help you save money on your elliptical machines, but we want to make sure you are getting the right elliptical for you!

Each week we will feature a different elliptical and give you our review on it! Everyone is looking for something different, but there is an elliptical out there for you so don’t give up hope! We will help you find your perfect, made for you elliptical! To start us off we’re going with the NordicTrack E5Vi Elliptical:

NordicTrack E5Vi Elliptical

NordicTrack E5Vi Elliptical

The NordicTrack E5Vi is one of NordicTrack’s top selling elliptical machines, and it’s no wonder when ringing in at only $799 yet comes featured with all the bells and whistles one could ask for!

I found the best thing about this elliptical to be the 16 preset workouts by certified personal trainers to help you burn fat, lose calories, and stay motivated. It is also come equipped with 10 resistance levels to help you increase the intensity to burn more calories and target your conditioning goals.

One thing this elliptical has that I found to be very beneficial over other elliptical machines I’ve seen, is its ability to allow you to adjust the stride length. Adjusting your stride length helps you to work different muscles groups, allowing for more muscle definition increase your weight loss! As stated on NordicTrack.com, by selecting the longest stride you will lift your bottom, backs of your legs while toning your hips. The medium stride is going to give you more of an energizing cardio workout working your core, hips and abs all at the same time. The short stride is more for a low key workout, burning calories while targeting your thighs.

Now my absolute favorite feature of this E5Vi elliptical is the CoolAire workout fan! When you are busy and short for time, using a workout fan is the greatest tool to help you sweat less during your workout so you are quick to get ready afterwards, as stated in this article here. Having a cooling fan also helps you to not feel the intensity of the workout as much, leaving you able to workout harder for longer.

Another great benefit of this elliptical is it’s space saver design, because “fitness is about getting in shape, not getting in the way”. This elliptical has a 1-Step SpaceSaver Design, so when you’ve finished getting in your workout you simply fold it up at the base to save you up to 3 feet of floor space.

Always makes sure to check out reviews online, such as this NordicTrackCoupons.com elliptical review page, as well as Proform-Coupons.com’s elliptical reviews, before you make any purchases. Having others opinions of those who have tried out the machines is a great way to get honest feedback.

Also make sure to check around for any coupons that may be available for your particular elliptical you may have in mind. Check out our site here, to receive your $20 off NordicTrack E5vi Elliptical coupon!



What are your thoughts on this elliptical?!

Have you tried this elliptical, or any other like it before?

What is your favorite brand or style of elliptical trainers?

Written By: Jentry