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Elliptical Machine Desk! Burn Calories While You Work

I know many of you may, or may not, have heard of the latest treadmill invention, the treadmill desk, which you can see more about here. It allows you the ability to work out while you are standing at your desk. You can get in a leisurely 30 minute walk while studying for school or catching up on work files.

Elliptical DeskWell elliptical trainers have now followed that same idea with the elliptical machine office desk. Another example of a great invention that allows you to burn calories while you type or work at your desk.

The great thing about the elliptical desk over the treadmill desk is you are able to go longer. When you are standing up walking you don’t have as much energy as if you were sitting down riding the elliptical with your legs. From SunTimes.com this article here, one user also said he preferred the elliptical over the treadmill because it he was “too uncoordinated to get work done” on the treadmill.

People are able to pedal away burning a few hundred extra calories while at work. It helps to solve the problem of finding the time to exercise due to their work schedules, a problem many busy working people face.

It is not going to be as intense or as high of a calorie burn as a regular elliptical is going to give you, but it is sure going to beat sitting on your bum doing nothing during your work day. As stated in this article here, just 20 minutes of mild cardiovascular workout a day is going to decrease your risk of diseases and even dementia! Just 20 minutes of your work day sitting on the elliptical is going to help cut your risk of disease and help you burn calories, all while completing work!



Written By: Jentry