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Exercises for Your Personality – Quiz Results

Did you all take that Exercise Personality Quiz from last week?! If so what were your scores?

I was mostly A’s, always multitasking to the fullest. Now here’s some elliptical workouts to try that match your exercise personality:

Elliptical Workouts

  • If you were mostly A’s with me, you can try watching your favorite television show while on your elliptical to make the time go by faster, as well as get in your show and workout at the same time. I know for me I feel I am wasting time when only doing one thing at once. You should also try out the total body elliptical workout we mentioned in a previous post to work more body parts in one workout, getting the most out of your workout.


  • Mostly B’s are social sweaters and like to work out with friends. Although there may not be any elliptical workout classes available at your gym, try getting on the elliptical machines right next to each other and help pushing one another on! You can also share elliptical workouts with each other.


  • You C’s are mindful masters and are usually found doing yoga, yet you need to get that heart pounding once in a while as well. Tuning into that body-mind connection is a great way to reduce stress while working out, so do that while you are on the elliptical as well. Try out this beginner treadmill workout to help you stay focused during your workout, but still raising your heartbeat at the same time.


Warm up for five minutes at an easy pace. Then, for every two minutes, switch up your routine. Go forward for two minutes, then go backward. Use your hands for two minutes, then don’t use your hands. Use your hands while going backward and then try not using your hands going backward. Change up your intensity levels from low to medium to high and back. This constant shifting around will help keep your body from reaching a plateau, since it’s not repeating the same motion over and over again.

This workout will leave your body switching up what’s it’s doing constantly, leaving you with quite the “experience”.


  • Mostly E’s, now you are the athletes when it comes to fitness. You probably usually aren’t found on an elliptical, but try out this core elliptical workout to strengthen your core for whatever your sport may be. All athletes need a strong core for balance and coordination.


  • Now for you hardcore exercisers that got mostly F’s, you are going to want to experience the most from your workout. Try out this 30 minute interval elliptical workout to leave your heart pumping and your body sweating, in just 30 minutes time. You are using shorter recovery times than usual interval workouts leaving your heart pumping!