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Take Your Elliptical Experience Outdoors

If you’ve been keeping up with our previous posts as of last week we learned:

Your Elliptical Is a Natural Mood Booster and Anti-Depressant as well as all the added cardio benefits in Why You Should Choose an Elliptical.

So what’s another good excuse to purchase an elliptical with these great deals?! No matter the weather or time of day you can always guarantee to get in your workout, right in the comfort of your own home. This is quite the perk if you ask me.

Now for those of us who do like to get out once in a while and enjoy the scenery on a nice summer day, but only wish we could take our elliptical outdoors with us, well you’re in luck!

I came across this new product called ElliptiGO, it’s a mix between a bicycle and an elliptical. It combines the oval motion made by the legs while still getting the low-impact on the joints, yet still getting the heart rate up. Yet because you need your handle bars to steer, you are not getting the back-and-forth motion of the arms, allowing for the upper-arm workout.

While the elliptical makes for a great machine during the winter months, and they days you are not able to get home before dark to go out and get in your workout, or for those of us who don’t really like being seen in public exercising. The ElliptiGO is a great machine that allows us to get out once in a while and get our Vitamin D exposure while still allowing for our beloved elliptical workout.



Written By: Jentry